Thursday, July 22, 2010

And so it all begins.

15 minutes ago, 2 great minds lacking sleep had a scientific discussion and came up with a way to
a) get more sleep than ever before
b) save energy
c) save the lives of thousands upon thousands of kittens

Through inconclusive studies, we came up with an answer that can do all this, AND MUCH MORE.

What is that answer you may ask? This may shock many....

No longer masturbating.

Yes. It is true.
Studies have shown that most men like to masturbate between the times of 12am-5am when everyone is asleep, resulting in a lack of sleep.
Removing masturbation from your daily routine will result in much longer periods of sleep and vibrant healthy skin.

Change is upon us and we must face it with everything we have.

Super Duper No-Wank Extravaganza has been born.

Join our army and face challenge with us! Facebook Page